Pass Boxes (Static & Dynamic)​

Static and dynamic pass through boxes for cleanroom
Pass Box (Pass Through Box)
Pass box is one of the cleanroom systems, which is used to transfer materials from one side to other side through controlled environment in order to avoid airborne cross contamination. As the name states itself, the primary and only work of a pass box is to pass material from one side to other without raising cont0061mination concern and if any particulate matter presents on the material surface, it swipes away during the operation. Interlocking door mechanism is the prime feature of a pass box, when door at one side is open the door at other side remains closed. It is popular with other names such as cleanroom pass through, clean transfer window and transfer hatch; in addition, it is widely used in microbiology laboratories in food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries.
A pass box is designed in two different types; static and dynamic, it is the user specific requirement which decides the right design configuration.

Pass Boxes (Static & Dynamic)

The difference between these two is explained as:
Dynamic Pass Box (DPB)
A dynamic pass box is fitted between classified and non-classified areas. Material is passed through vertically HEPA filtered air.
Static Pass Box
Static pass box on the other hand is fitted only between two clean room areas and has no air supply or extract. It is also known as passive pass box and equipped with UV light.
A “pass box” is a chamber used to transfer materials between different areas within a cleanroom environment, with “static pass boxes” designed for transferring items between spaces of similar cleanliness levels, while “dynamic pass boxes” are used to move materials between areas with differing cleanliness levels, typically from a less clean to a more clean area, utilizing a built-in filtration system to maintain air quality during transfer; essentially, a static pass box is a simple transfer chamber, while a dynamic pass box acts like a mini airlock with active air filtration.
Key differences between static and dynamic pass boxes:
• Cleanliness level transfer:
Static pass boxes are used to transfer materials between areas of the same cleanliness level, while dynamic pass boxes are used to transfer materials between areas of different cleanliness levels (e.g., from a non-classified area to a classified area).
• Air filtration:
Static pass boxes usually have no active air filtration system, whereas dynamic pass boxes are equipped with HEPA filters and blowers to actively control the air flow within the chamber.
• Application:
Static pass boxes are commonly used in situations where minimal contamination control is needed, while dynamic pass boxes are crucial in environments where maintaining a low particle count is essential, like pharmaceutical manufacturing.
Key features of a pass box (both static and dynamic):
 Interlocking doors: A mechanism that prevents both doors from opening simultaneously, ensuring only one side is accessible at a time to avoid cross-contamination.
• Stainless steel construction: Most pass boxes are made from stainless steel for easy cleaning and sanitation.
• UV light: Optional feature to further sanitize the chamber.
• Viewing window: Allows users to see the contents inside without opening the door.

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